Things you need to know, Q&A
What happens at the Natrona County Republican Caucus?
The registered Republican voters in Natrona County meet with others from their precinct to review and submit proposals for changes to the Republican Party Platform, Resolutions and Bylaws. Also, the delegates and alternate delegates to the Natrona County Republican Convention will be elected.
The precinct committeemen and women elected during the last primary are members of the Natrona County Republican Central Committee. Members of the County Central and Executive Committees are automatically delegates to the county convention. During the County Caucus, precinct members may elect Republicans from their precinct to fill delegate vacancies and alternates, who can be available to step in for an absent delegate. A nominee is not required to be present at the caucus to be elected as a delegate.
Will we vote for the Republican presidential nominee at the caucus?
No, this is not a presidential nomination caucus. While there may be time to have a conversation with committee members about presidential nominee preference, a preferential vote will not occur at the Natrona County Republican Caucus.
It is the National Delegates, from each state, who elected the Republican presidential nominee during the Republican National Convention. Election laws do not govern how pollical parties select a nominee for president. The rules for electing National Delegates and binding their votes vary from state to state. Wyoming’s Republican National Delegates are elected, and their votes are pledged during the Wyoming Republican Conventions by a preferential ballot from the convention delegates.
Why doesn’t Wyoming have a presidential primary?
The RNC has allocated 29 National Delegates to Wyoming for the 2020 election. That is a high number considering Wyoming’s low population. Wyoming has bonus delegates because of the large number of registered Republicans who consistently elect Republican officials. Still, Wyoming’s 29 delegates make up less than one percent of the National Delegation. The RNC and state election statutes place Wyoming’s 2020 primary election on the 18th of August. It would be necessary for Wyoming to conduct an early and separate primary at the taxpayer’s expense, and the point would be moot.
How is a proposal submitted for an addition or change to the Republican Platform, Resolutions, or Bylaws?
There are downloadable PDF files below with the instructions and forms for submitting proposals. The Republican Platform, Resolutions, at the county, state, and national levels are published on each respective website. These are often lengthy documents. Time is limited during the caucus. It is recommended that you review the documents and legibly complete submission forms before arriving.